Happy New Year everybody! I hope that you all had a wonderful time with family and friends over the Christmas holidays. Every ending has a new beginning! Let 2014 be an exciting beginning for all of you.
I started a writing course on January 7th. It will improve my writing for blogging by teaching me how to manipulate words and get my point across. Also, when I complete a piece of work, it is important for me to have the knowledge and skill to proof read. I hope it will make me a better writer.
For the past 14 years I have been working on my life story by talking to a friend of mine. She told me that I have a story to share. So she helped me to get started with the first couple of paragraphs. It was up to me to listen to my friend and I started to write my life story living with Cerebral Palsy and what I have overcome in my life. It is taking a long time and my writing is getting better. I want to improve and be happy with my writing. Meanwhile, I practice with my blog.
This is a big goal for me, so I need to take it one step at a time. The plan I have is to self-publish my book through my blog this year. It is certainly a new beginning for me. Have a great year and stay tuned.