I am looking at the picture of me standing on beach in Hawaii. I don’t know that person anymore; who stands up on her own. I had a dream that I would be able to walk one day by myself. After years of trying I found out that my dream to walk would never come true. I let myself down because I wanted to be the first person to get out of my wheelchair and walk away from my disability.... But that never happened. I had a mini stroke 3 years ago and ever since that happened I’ve had a fear of falling. My body stopped working. Over the last two years I have had a lot of pain in my lower back so I went to the doctor and a chiropractor for help. As it turns out, my left hip sits higher than my right hip! I now have to wear a brace all day everyday.
I have a lot of goals that I would like to do in my life and I never take the time to think about if I can do it. When people tell me “No, you cannot do it” I don’t listen to them and do it to prove them wrong. I would love to see myself stand up on my own; and maybe one day I will. There is a big goal that I’m working toward next summer, I want to swim across the Okanagan lake next summer! Nothing will stand in my way anymore, I will fight to get my life back!!!