Wednesday, March 20, 2019

2019 Plans

Good day everybody,

I hope everybody have a good year. I had a good couple of months already. I went on a cruise to Mexico and Hawaii. I met a couple of people on the cruise. I did my second year of skiing with CADS for people who have a disability. It was fun! It was seven weeks Saturday night. Last weekend it was the last one. We went to Norquay. I will do it again next year.

For the rest of my year I will try to make a movie, but before I will take an online course at the public library called " Creating a short film". I have couple of ideas about what I want it to be about. I want to show to the world that a person like me can achieve whatever she wants. I see myself strong and capable of lots of things, but I am always wondering how people see me. So, after making this movie I will be interested in your reaction about it.

I am working on a story and after I want to get it published or make it public in some way.